Make disciples of all nations
I have been busy meeting with people and networking to raise my personal support and to promote ministry in Turkey. I love sharing about what God has put on my heart but I would be lying if i said that it wasn’t difficult. Inviting people to invest and partner with ministry that is on the other side of the plant is a hard sell. Most people, myself included, feel full with responsibilities and interests that are right infant of us. Giving money, time, effort or prayer for something that we haven’t seen with our own eyes takes intentionality and a leap of faith.
Thank you for praying for me last month as I preached at Queen Creek Bible Church. You can watch the service online with this link. It was fun to share about our time in Turkey and the congregation was very warm. I’m excited to see how God will use this new partnership.
I have been busy meeting with people and networking to raise my personal support and to promote ministry in Turkey. I love sharing about what God has put on my heart but I would be lying if i said that it wasn’t difficult. Inviting people to invest and partner with ministry that is on the other side of the plant is a hard sell. Most people, myself included, feel full with responsibilities and interests that are right in front of us. Giving money, time, effort or prayer for something that we haven’t seen with our own eyes takes intentionality and a leap of faith.
I imagine that the disciples felt the same way when Jesus gave them the great commission.
Matthew 28:18-20 'And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”’
The disciples were hopeful that Jesus was the Messiah who would free the Jews from Roman oppression. Jesus brought salvation from the oppression of sin and death to not just the Jews but to all nations. Jesus’s command to the disciples to make disciples of all nations had to be overwhelming to them as it is to us today. However, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of Christ the apostles did make it their effort to make disciples of all nations. We can do the same through the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of Christ.
You have already started by reading this prayer letter and praying for the gospel to be proclaimed to the ends of the earth. As you pray, ask God to lead you. Step out in faith. Personally, it is when I step out and do something that is bigger than my own abilities that I see God show up and do something beautiful. In moments like that God gets all the glory.
Thank you for praying with me and for me. I would love to hear how God is leading you in how He wants to use you to make disciples of all nations.