Cross Cultural Engagement…

The curse of the tower of Babel affects us everyday. Different languages, different cultures, and different sets of values makes it difficult to interact with those who are different than us. However, the work of Christ is making all things new. We lean on God’s grace being new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). We walk in the newness of life that we have in Christ (Romans 6:4). The difficulties that exist because of the curse of the tower of Babel is also being made new (Revelation 21:5). We see the beginning of this at the day of Pentecost. We are called to break these boundaries in the Great Commission to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). Cross cultural ministry/engagement is part of the Christian life and it is a blessing.

I love interacting with people from different cultures than my own. I wasn’t always this way. Before Christ I didn’t like most people. Anyone who was different than me was wrong, in my mind. However, once I was saved and started walking with Jesus I started loving people.

The beauty of people is from each and every person being made in the image of God. Everything that is worthy of praise in people, creativity, integrity, strength, care, diligence, honesty, etc., is an attribute of God and is simply a reflection of Him. Even if a person doesn’t believe in Jesus they still reflect the image of God, although like a broken mirror. We can appreciate each person because they reflect our good God.

Additionally, we have been loved by God even when we were His enemy. In the same way God calls us to love our enemies. God loves us not because we are worthy or because we would be a good investment but simply because of His grace. Thus we are called to love others because of God’s grace, not because they are worthy or because of their potential. Engaging people who are different than us is a reflection of how God engages us, the Holy One saving sinners.

Let us live in Christlikeness and engage with those who are different than us. The Spirit who is in us is more powerful than the spirit of the world so we don’t need to fear. May God’s power shine through us.


Outward Focus

